
Oracle database driver for the DBI module

Latest version: 1.90 registry icon
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Version Suggest Low Medium High Critical
1.90_5 0 0 0 0 0
1.90_4 0 0 0 0 0
1.90_3 0 0 0 0 0
1.90_2 0 0 0 0 0
1.90_1 0 0 0 0 0
1.90 0 0 0 0 0
1.83 0 0 0 0 0
1.82 0 0 0 0 0
1.81 0 0 0 0 0
1.76 0 0 0 0 0
1.75_40 0 0 0 0 0
1.74_99 0 0 0 0 0

Latest release:

1.90 - This version may not be safe as it has not been updated for a long time. Find out if your coding project uses this component and get notified of any reported security vulnerabilities with Meterian-X Open Source Security Platform


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Artistic-1.0   -   Artistic License 1.0

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OSI Compliant

GPL-1.0-or-later   -   GNU General Public License v1.0 or later

Not a wildcard

Not proprietary

OSI Compliant

DBD::Oracle -- an Oracle interface for Perl 5.

Copyright (c) 1994-2024 Tim Bunce, et. al.

See the COPYRIGHT section in the Oracle.pm file for terms. See also the MAINTAINER section in the Oracle.pm



    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting - General Tips
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Aix - AIX
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Cygwin - MS Windows using GCC
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Hpux - HP-UX
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Linux - Linux
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Macos - Mac OS
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Sun - Sun
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Vms - OpenVMS
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Win32 - MS Windows (32bit)
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::Win64 - MS Windows (64bit)
    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::* - see if there's a file for your platform

    DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::java.txt - Java/thread problem on Solaris

You may find these useful

    README.help.txt - Help and hints on build problems


The DBI requires one or more 'driver' modules to talk to databases.
Fetch, build and install the DBI module as per its README file.
You may then delete its source directory tree since it's no longer needed.
Use the 'perldoc DBI' command to read the DBI documentation.

Fetch this DBD::Oracle driver module and unpack it.
Follow the guidelines in this README file carefully.


Build, test and install Perl 5 (at least 5.6.1)
It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it!

Build, test and install the DBI module (at least DBI 1.623).
It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it!

Remember to *read* the DBI README file and this one CAREFULLY!

Install enough Oracle software to enable DBD::Oracle to build.

For Oracle Instant Client: that means install the following packages:
    * The "Basic" package for the essential Oracle libraries.
    * The "SDK" package for the headers and makefile.
    * The "SQL*Plus" component is optional, but will help you check
      your configuration and DBD::Oracle determine your Oracle version.

For full Oracle installs: that usually includes Pro*C and SQL*Net.
(That's not very specific because it varies between Oracle releases.).
As of release 1.22 support of Oracle clients before 9 was dropped.
The main reason for this is that next few versions of DBD::Oracle will
introduce a number of new features which will required a great deal of extra
coding to make the OCI 8 work.

As well it is getting harder to find an Oracle client 8 to test against as
well Oracle no longer supports clients before 9.

The ORACLE_HOME environment variable must point to the Oracle Home
used to create DBD::Oracle. (Not essential under MS Windows).


Make sure Oracle is working and you can use the Oracle sqlplus
command to talk to the database from the machine you
want to build DBD::Oracle on. This often involves setting
environment variables like PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, TWO_TASK etc.
Consult Oracle documentation for more details.

Only once you can connect to Oracle using sqlplus
should you try building and testing DBD::Oracle.



perl Makefile.PL            # use a perl that's in your PATH

Use the perl that is first on your PATH. Then execute:


If you get an error like "make: not found" you need to find the directory that has the make command installed in it (e.g. /usr/ccs/bin on Solaris) and add that to your PATH environment variable.

Don't worry about most warnings when make runs, specifically ones like "end-of-loop code not reached", "... due to prototype", "cast increases required alignment of target type", etc.

If you have problems see the 'IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS' section below. If it builds without error you should then run 'make test'. For the main tests to work they must be able to connect to an Oracle database.

The tests default to using a DSN of "dbi:Oracle:" which means you'll be connected to the default database based on your TWO_TASK or ORACLE_SID environment variables. This default can be altered either by defining the ORACLE_DSN environment variable or the DBI_DSN environment variable. See the oracle_test_dsn() sub in t/nchar_test_lib.pl

The supplied tests will connect to the database using the value of the ORACLE_USERID environment variable to supply the username/password. So you should set that to a valid user (e.g. 'scott/tiger') and ensure that this user has sufficient privileges to create, insert into, select from and drop a table, is also able to create, call and drop a procedure and is able to select from systemtables like 'v$sessions'. Using 'system/manager' might work but is not recommended! See also README.login.txt and TESTING.md.

Run tests with:

make test

If the all the formal tests pass then, finally, run:

make install


Make sure you are using a recent perl (5.6.1 or later) and make sure it's on your PATH so you can say 'perl Makefile.PL' and not '/path/to/perl Makefile.PL'.

If you get compiler errors refering to Perl's own header files (.../CORE/*.h) then there is something wrong with your installation. It is important to use a Perl that was built on the system you are using. It's also important to use the same compiler that was used to build the Perl you are using.

If you have build/link or core dump problems try: perl Makefile.PL -p or perl Makefile.PL -nob If it helps then please let me know (and please include a copy of the log from the failed default build, the log from the build that worked, plus the output of the "perl -V" command).

Do not hand edit the generated Makefile unless you are completely sure you understand the implications! Always try to make changes via the Makefile.PL command line and/or editing the Makefile.PL. You should not need to make any changes. If you do please let us know so that I can try to make it automatic in a later release.

If you just can't login or login takes a long time then read README.login.txt

If you have linking problems (errors related to libraries or functions) then you could try forcing a 'static' build using:

make realclean perl Makefile.PL LINKTYPE=static make make perl (you'll need to use and install this new perl binary) make test make -f Makefile.aperl inst_perl MAP_TARGET=perl (install new perl) make install (install DBD::Oracle)

But that's not recommended these days.

Also carefully read the README.help.txt file which is full of useful tips and workarounds for various problems of various systems.


This software is supported via the dbi-users@perl.org mailing list. (You don't need to subscribe to the list in order to post.)

Please do NOT post problems to comp.lang.perl.*, perl5-porters@perl.org, http://www.cpanforum.com/dist/DBD-Oracle, or google groups etc.

If you're sure the problem is a bug then you can post a bug report to https://github.com/perl5-dbi/DBD-Oracle/issues Problem reports that don't include sufficient detail (including the information listed below and how to reproduce the problem) are unlikely to get resolved.

For more information and to keep informed about progress you can join the mailing list. Send a message to dbi-users-help@perl.org for more information.

Please post details of any problems (or changes you needed to make) to dbi-users@perl.org.


  1. A complete log of all steps of the build, e.g.:

    (do a make realclean first) perl Makefile.PL make make test

    Make sure to include the 'stderr' output. The best way to do this is to use the "script" command (man script). If that's not available then "command > command.log 2>&1" (assuming you're not using csh). The "2>&1" is required (after the stdout redirect) to redirect stderr to the same place.

    If a test fails then also include the output of:

    perl -Mblib t/.t

  2. Full details of which version of Oracle client and server you're using (if it wasn't automatically found and printed by "perl Makefile.PL")

  3. The output of perl -V (that's a capital V, not lowercase)

  4. If you get errors like "undefined symbol", "symbol not found", "undefined reference", "Text relocation remains" or any similar error then include the output of "perl Makefile.PL -s XXX" where XXX is the name of one of the symbols. Please don't send the entire output of this command, just any obviously 'interesting' parts (if there are any). See also the LINKTYPE=static notes above.

  5. If you get a core dump, rebuild DBD::Oracle with debugging enabled by executing: perl Makefile.PL -g (note the -g option) then rerun the code to get a new core dump file, finally use a debugger (gdb, sdb, dbx, adb etc) to get a stack trace from it. NOTE: I may not be able to help you much without a stack trace! It is worth fetching and building the GNU GDB debugger (>=4.15) if you don't have a good debugger on your system. If desperate try: make perl; ./perl script; echo '$c' | adb ./perl core Also see the Devel::CoreStack module on CPAN.

  6. If the stack trace mentions XS_DynaLoader_dl_load_file then rerun make test after setting the environment variable PERL_DL_DEBUG to 2.

  7. If your installation succeeds, but your script does not behave as you expect, the problem may be on your end. Before sending to dbi-users, try writing a small, easy to use test case to reproduce your problem. Also, use the DBI->trace method to trace your database calls.

It is important to check that you are using the latest version before posting. If you're not then you're very likely to be told "upgrade to the latest". You would do yourself a favour by upgrading beforehand.

Try to help yourself first, then try to help others help you by following these guidelines carefully. And remember, please don't mail developers directly - use the dbi-users mailing list.

Regards, Tim.

================================================================================ Examples and other info:

README.help.txt -- READ IT FIRST IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS DBD::Oracle::Troubleshooting::* -- Various platform specific info

DBI 'home page': http://dbi.perl.org

DBI and DBD::Oracle are very portable. If Perl and Oracle run on a platform then the chances are that DBD::Oracle will as well.


See the large README.help.txt file for lots of hints and advice about building and runtime issues.
